Friday, October 12, 2012

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For!

Well, everyone, here it is: the PROPOSAL post! Kim and Kevin got married two weeks ago, and it was SO MUCH FUN to reveal these pictures to her! Something I'll never forget. 

He took her to Rosy Mound Natural Area in Grand Haven, MI. Very peaceful, but it was a cool evening!

There was a long walk to the beach. 

Over a mile of wooded of trails

The sun on it's way down

The view of the lake from the top of the dunes

The long staircase down. Yes, that is Kim and Kev. She didn't know I was following them! 

Walking out to the waterfront. Almost there!

A cloudy, but beautiful evening. 

Grand Haven pier visible to the north

More beautiful dunes to the south

A view from my hiding spot! She was completely oblivious!

Do you see Kevin's hand? He had the ring box out of his pocket, but he was content to just bide his time and hide it behind his back for SO LONG!

I was just about dying of excitement. I don't know how he kept a straight face!


"Kimberly, will you marry me!?"


She actually said "yes" before she saw the ring! But they put it on after the kiss, and oh, she loved it!

Hooray! Congratulations!

So excited!

They left the beach fairly quickly to go tell friends and family, but I did grab this one last shot of them as the climbed the big staircase towards the trails back to the road. There's a funny story about getting this shot, if you want to ask me sometime! 

Because Grand Haven is quite a hike from our home, my mother and younger brother had time between their call and when the made it home to decorate the yard! How cute is that!?

Look at those smiles :) Congrats you Mr. and Mrs. Vermeer, thank you for letting me capture your special night back in May! Love you both! 

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